Steiff Teddy Bear Replica 1906 50 cm. EAN 403316

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EAN 403316
Steiff Teddy Bear Replic 1906
Year: Autumn 2017 collection
Material: light blond mohair
Limited to 906 pieces world wide
Size: 50 cm. / 20"  tall
Hand stiched nose
Wooden eyes
Fully jointed
Stuffed with wood shavings
Surface washable
With underscored button made of patinated steel
Not intended as a toy
With ceriticate, box and shipping box

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Steiff Teddy Bear 1906 EAN 403316
The Teddy bear replica 1906 looks back to the glorious Steiff bear years. 1906 was the year in which “Bärle” was given the name “Teddy bear”, after US president Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt. The following year was the greatest bear year of them all. Made of finest mohair, the 50 cm replica aims to recreate and celebrate the highly successful bear of his day, while also conveying the passage of time. Which means that the years can be seen to have left their mark on our furry friend, particularly in his joints, paw pads. So much so that you would swear that the bear had been sitting there all along, watching the years go by. It also looks as if he has quite a few miles under his belt.

EAN 403316 Steiff Teddy Bear Replica 1906 comes with a certificate, box and shipping sleeve