Steiff 2021 worldwide

Steiff 2021 worldwide is a page where you find all the Steiff limited editions Steiff made for this year. These items are still available for you. Please note, those teddy bears and animals are limited and can be sold out soon.

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  1. Steiff EAN 006838 Friedhelms Horse
    Steiff Friedhelm`s horse on wheels 32 cm. EAN 006838
    €399.00 €319.00
    In stock
  2. Steiff EAN 006104 Linus teddy bear
    Steiff teddies for tomorrow Linus Bear 35 cm. EAN 006104
    In stock
  3. Steiff EAN 007163 Winter wonderland set
    Steiff Winter Wonderland Set EAN 007163
    In stock
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